Dignity Philadelphia

Meeting Location
Church of St. Luke & the Epipphany
330 S 13th St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Additional Info
A caring, supportive community of gay, lesbian,bisexual, transgender Catholics, our families and friends.
Dignity/Philadelphia was founded in 1973. Our community is open to everyone of all faiths. We are a community of people who believe that God made and loves us all and that God has called us all to share in the faith community, especially in the spiritual and sacramental life of the Church. We believe that all people can express their sexuality in a manner that is consonant with Christ's teaching.
Gathering Information
Sundays at 7:00pm ET
at The Church of St. Luke & the Epiphany
330 S 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Street Level
Special masses are held online via Zoom. Please email hello@dignityphila.org to receive the link.
Contact Us
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