A Prayer as We Approach the Inauguration

January 17, 2025
A Prayer as We Approach the Inauguration, January 20, 2025
Community Version
So Help Me God.
O Divine Spirit within us, O wise and loving Creator and Source of all life and love, as we prepare for the inauguration of a new presidency, we acknowledge your presence as we ponder our hopes, needs, and uncertainties.
May all who live in our nation remember that we are, above all, citizens of this beautiful Earth, our common, divinely gifted home. As we consider what a change in government in this country means, may we be mindful that national policies can extend far beyond our borders, and may we think broadly about global impacts. May we be guided by a commitment to be wise stewards of the world’s resources, and to use only what is truly needed. We pray, God of justice, hear our prayer.
As residents and citizens of the world’s longest-standing democracy, may we continue to be bound by our commitment to the common good. We call on our leaders and public officials to serve all, regardless of race, gender identity, age, abilities, financial status, country of origin, sexual orientation, faith, or any other quality. We pray, God of justice, hear our prayer.
May those of us anxious about threats to our security,health, or civil rights because of our gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, or sexual orientation have the fortitude to protect those rights that have been granted, and to keep working for equality and justice. May we be inspired to stand with and for others who also face threats and refuse to collaborate in their oppression. We pray, God of justice, hear our prayer.
May your Spirit move all who govern to be guided by wisdom,compassion, and truth, that they remember they are servants of the people rather than lords over them, and to prioritize the most vulnerable as they enact policy. We commit to being vocal and untiring advocates for the impoverished, the sick, the lonely, the abused,and the neglected. We pray, God of justice, hear our prayer.
We pledge to continue to follow Jesus’ call to serve our neighbors, to be people of radical hope, and to nurture communities where people can find welcome, affirmation, and loving support. We pray, God of justice, hear our prayer.
We recognize you, Divine Lover, as One who entered into human history and who knows our troubles and triumphs. May we experience you in these days,sustaining us and inspiring us to meet these moments. Your Christ calls us to be peacemakers,creators of justice, and bearers of light, hope, and love to those most in need. We shall, even in these times, act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly in your ways. Amen.
A Prayer as We Approach the Inauguration, January 20, 2025
Individual Prayer Version
So Help Me God.
O Divine Spirit within us, O wise and loving Creator and Source of all life and love, as our nation prepares for the inauguration of anew presidency, we acknowledge your presence as we ponder our hopes, needs, and uncertainties.
May all who live in our nation remember that we are, above all, citizens of this beautiful Earth, our common, divinely gifted home. As we consider what a change in government in this country means, may we be mindful that national policies can extend far beyond our borders, and may we think broadly about global impacts. May we be guided by a commitment to be wise stewards of the world’s resources, and to use only what is truly needed.
As residents and citizens of the world’s longest-standing democracy, may we continue to be bound by our commitment to the common good. We call on our leaders and public officials to serve all, regardless of race, gender identity, age, abilities,financial status, country of origin, sexual orientation, faith, or any other quality
May those anxious about threats to security, health, or civil rights because of gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, or sexual orientation have the fortitude to protect those rights that have been granted, and to keep working for equality and justice. May we be inspired to stand with and for others who also face threats and refuse to collaborate in their oppression.
May your Spirit move all who govern to be guided by wisdom,compassion, and truth, that they remember they are servants of the people rather than lords over them, and to prioritize the most vulnerable as they enact policy. We commit to being vocal and untiring advocates for the impoverished, the sick, the lonely, the abused,and the neglected.
We pledge to continue to follow Jesus’ call to serve our neighbors, to be people of radical hope, and to nurture communities where people can find welcome, affirmation, and loving support.
We recognize you, Divine Lover, as One who entered into human history and who knows our troubles and triumphs. May we experience you in these days,sustaining us and inspiring us to meet these moments. Your Christ calls us all to be peacemakers,creators of justice, and bearers of light, hope, and love to those most in need. May I, even in these times, act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly in your ways. Amen.
Prayer composed by Richard Young, Jon Schum, Meli Barber,Marianne Duddy-Burke.