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Help Make the DUSA Auction a Success!

By Jack Frielingsdorf, Fundraising Committee Chair

Once again, this year’s Convention will include an on-line and silent auction. The past auctions have proven to be fun and exciting for everyone involved, and profitable for DignityUSA. In order to make this year’s event as good as those from the past, we need great items to sell, and that is where you can help by donating items such as art work, electronics, personalized memorabilia, vacation packages, or collectibles.

The Convention is only weeks away and the auction is even closer, so we need to know about the items you can donate as soon as possible. The online auction is scheduled to begin June 15 and the silent auction will take place the evening of July 6. Even if you are not able to attend the convention, your donations can!

Please send email to me or Gene Corpuz with your many great items and suggestions. Remember most donations to DignityUSA are tax deductible and, as always, we at DignityUSA appreciate your support and generosity.