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Dignity/Boston Participates in Orgullo Latino

By John Prybot, Dignity/Boston Member

Dignity/Boston participated in this year's Orgullo Latino celebration in Boston’s South End on Saturday, October 28, 2012. Rocco Pigneri and Steven Young represented Dignity/Boston at the "Family Day," an event programmed for Blackstone Community Center situated in the South End of Boston. Hearing about this, I offered to accompany them.

We met at Saint John's at the appointed time Saturday morning to collect printed resources, our information sign, and our banner. The event took place outside so as to be more visible to passersby. There were six other tables offering LGBT information, among them PFLAG, South End Community Health Center, and Community Policing. 

Under a consistently overcast sky, exposed to damp raw temperatures and gusts of wind, a continuous blare of salsa music, bags of fresh-popped corn and blue-tinted cotton candy helped to boost morale and keep blood circulating against sparse turnout. The inquiries and attention we did receive were enough to demonstrate the potential in making ourselves available, if only the weather could have risen to the occasion! Entonces !hasta el ano entrante, Dios --y el tiempo-- mediantes! (So then, until next year, God—and the weather—willing!)