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Prayer Resources in Response to Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision

Prayer: Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision

Loving God, source of all creation, you endowed all people with inherent dignity and worth, and you call us to treat each other in ways that honor and value that worth. We pray today for your Divine Justice, for a society where all people are free, and for communities that value the dignity and worth of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer people. We also pray for our friends and neighbors harmed by discrimination and lament the fact that most LGBTQI people live in states without nondiscrimination protections. As we move forward from the Court’s recent decision, guide our community toward your enduring justice. Give us the courage to reconcile with those who have been harmed by religion. Help us to express our faith proudly, and to engage us in respectful dialogue with those who sincerely believe differently.  Grant us the blessings of wisdom, understanding and fortitude as we seek to co-create a world where people are free from injustice, violence, and discrimination. Amen.


Responsive Prayer: Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision

We are grateful for the gift of our lives and the gift of other people in our lives.

R/. Each of us is created with dignity and worth.

We are called to love one another and to do nothing to others that we would find hateful to ourselves.

R/. We honor the many ways that people live and love.

Our common life is enriched when queer, transgender, bisexual, lesbian, intersex, and gay people are full and equal members of our community—sharing the gifts of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

R/. True justice flourishes when all people can live and flourish. 

We suffer when LGBTQI people are oppressed, excluded, or discriminated against by those who overlook the fundamental call to love one another.

R/. Love does not exclude. We are all worthy.

May we work to build a world where all people are celebrated and loved.

R/. We celebrate sexual and gender diversity as a blessing that enriches us all, and as a way of better understanding the unlimited creative imagination of our loving God. 



* Both prayers adapted from resources created by the Religious Institute. Used with gratitude and permission.